So, I've not really talked too much about my religion on my (other) blogs before, and for no particular reason other than it's never come up. The reality is, that is is my blog, so everything I write is a piece of me. Being Mormon is a part of that as well-it's just who I am.
This isn't a post to be preachy, because no one likes that (except for me I guess:) but I believe in the Restoration. I believe that Joseph Smith did see God the Father and His son, Jesus Christ, and that they are two separate personages (although divinely connected). I believe that during the Dark Ages the Church and God's presence was withdrawn from the Earth and that Joseph Smith-simply because of his goodness and his desire to do the right thing according to God rather than man, was the first prophet of the Restoration. Joseph Smith translated the Book of Mormon by the power of a spiritual gift God gave to him and re-established the Church of Christ on the Earth (BTW-we are ALL entitled to spiritual gifts because God has promised us that we could have them if we keep the commandments and if we ASK for them!). Because we are in the latter dispensation of time, the Church of Christ has come to be known as the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.
So, what's the big deal you ask? Some lack the understanding of why the LDS church is different. The biggest difference is that we believe that the Church on the Earth today is to be organized as the Church in ancient times was. This means that we have a prophet and apostles and even quorums of seventies who lead the Church on the Earth today. The Prophet's name is Thomas S. Monson.
These are simply things that I believe. I want there to always be clarification of what Mormons believe so that there are never misunderstandings (although this might be impossible because sometimes people just don't want to listen). Yes, we are Christians. We don't worship Joseph Smith or any prophet for that matter, but we respect them and we love them because we believe that they are called of God to serve us, His children. We worship no one except for Heavenly Father and His son Jesus Christ. Everything in our church is centered around Christ and how we can become more like Him and return to live with our Heavenly Father after our mortal journeys are through.
If anyone ever has any questions concerning my religion, it would literally make my day to answer them. Sometimes people feel that it is an inconvenience to ask, but I promise it isn't. I love answering people's questions about the Gospel. Also, if anyone has any questions about The Book of Mormon, THEY ARE FREE! I will be more than happy to mail you one for free, without even a shipping charge. It is a great companion to the Bible and only reaffirms the teachings of Christ from the Old & New Testaments. You can also visit this website: Mormons Made Simple It is very easy to understand
If I can help you at all, please simply speak up. :)
Have a great day!